Is it possible to accept payments on multiple websites under one merchant agreement?
Yes, it is possible. You will only need to inform us about all of the websites.
Is it possible to use one merchant account for the multiple merchants?
No. You are to register several merchants.
What information must be displayed on merchant website?
Use information templates.
Where can I see payment methods available for my customers?
Log in your account and select Payment methods in the menu.
Is it possible to set up payments for applications (mobile/etc)?
Yes, it is possible. Terms are the same as for usual merchants.
How to set up ‘deferred payment’ (customer payment after order confirmation by merchant)?
Merchant defines the moment of redirection to payment form by himself. In this case «Pay» button should be displayed to customer only after the order is confirmed by the staff of the web store.
What is a payment password
Payment password is a 5-digit code for protecting account balance from unauthorized withdrawal. It is an additional verification feature for transactions. You set payment password during the account creation procedure.
How to make a payment link?
Use instruction.
Where can I download modules and instructions for CMS?
You can download modules and instructions for CMS here.
How to disable separate payment methods?
It can be done by setting PaymentSystem.limitIds, parameter in the interaction protocol, which is a list of IDs of payment methods (paymentSystem.unitId), separated by comma.
More information can be found in API (Page 10).
How to remove error: «Invalid date integrity code»?
This error occurs if MNT_SIGNATURE value does not correspond to the value calculated on the side of the system. In other words, signature of the payment form or signature of the response to verification request has been formed incorrectly (or does not comply with description), or parameters of the payment form or response to verification request has been spoofed.
How to remove error: «Invalid recipient ID»?
This error may occur in two cases. Make sure that:
  1. You indeed set MNT_ID and it corresponds to your Advanced accounts number.
  2. You call the correct URL: - if integration is done with the test platform demo.moneta.ru, then the correct URL of Moneta.Assistant will be:
    - if integration is done with the real processing platform www.moneta.ru, then the correct URL of Moneta.Assistant will be:
How to remove error «No available payment methods»?
This error occurs if all payment methods are disabled in your account. You will need to contact our Sales with request to enable the desired payment methods.
How to determine that payment has been successfully accepted?
There are three ways to get this confirmation:
  1. in real time mode via Assistant API;
  2. in real time mode in your Account;
  3. in daily reports that can be set in your Account (section «Notifications»).
What is the correct encoding for order information in the invoice?
Use Unicode encoding for transfer of order description in MNT_DESCRIPTION
How to restore payment password?
The payment password cannot be restored, as it is not kept in the system as clear text data. It can be changed. To perform the procedure of changing the payment password the fields 'Secret question' and 'answer to question' should be stated in My account (section 'Security') .
Make sure that the section Personal details contains up-to-date information about Managing person and contacts.
As an answer to the secret qurestion we recommend you indicate a random code word unrelated to the question to exclude the possibility of guessing the answer using social engineering techniques.
Having checked all the above mentioned points, please contact us. Attach the signed application for payment password restoring to the email. Our stuff will get in touch with you to confirm the request.
How to change merchant in profile?
How to withdraw accepted payments to my bank account?
Click «Withdraw» in your Account, select «Bank transfer» and specify amount. You will need your «payment password» to authorize the transaction.
In payment description it is necessary to indicate: «Transfer of accepted payments under Merchant Agreement (Number of Agreement) as of (Date of Agreement). VAT free»
What does the transaction status «Registered», or «Fixed»?
These statuses mean that customer has successfully initiated a payment transaction but not paid yet.
What does the transaction status «Notification not sent»?
This status mean that for some reason (Internet failure, system failure, etc.) your system has not responded to our payment request.
The response must comply with API
hat does the transaction status «Completed»
This status shows that payment has been made successfully.
What does the transaction status «Cancelled»
This status shows that processing this transaction is impossible due to various reasons (time limit expired, not sufficient funds on payer’s account, transaction rejected by a third party).
What does the transaction status «Frozen»
This status shows that processing this transaction by the internet shop is impossible (and internet shop had rejected transaction) due to various reasons (deleted or inactiive order, etc). You need to find the reason of the rejection, contact us and make refund to the payer.
How to make a refund to a bank card?
Full or partial refund is possible to the bank card which was originally charged. Typically, the funds are transferred to card within 10 days following the refund transaction.
In order to make a refund, it’s necessary to:
  1. Log in your Account
  2. Find the transaction that needs to be refunded.
  3. Open transaction details by clicking on the number of transaction.
  4. Click the button «Refund» at the bottom of the list.
  5. Select VISA, Mastercard.
  6. Put the necessary information in the description of the refund transaction: Refund of the transaction ___ (indicate the number of the original transaction in MONETA.RU system)
  7. Authorize the refund transaction by payment password.
The status «Completed» of this transaction shows that it has been successfully processed by the acquiring bank and refund request has been sent to the issuing bank (bank that issued the card).
The funds will be returned to the card in accordance with the rules of the acquiring bank.
How to check if the document is signed electronically or not?
Please use this instruction